Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Trumbull Community Action Program (TCAP) is hosting a Senior Citizens Summer Picnic from 12-3 p.m. on Thursday, June 16 at the Warren West Community Center (1230 Palmyra Road, SW).
Residents 55 and over are invited to come out and socialize with friends and neighbors while enjoying food, music, and games. Lunch will include hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta salad, dessert and assorted beverages. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn more about the many programs offered by TCAP. There is no charge to attend.
Transportation will be available within Warren City. You must call CATS to reserve your ride 330-395-2287. You may begin to make reservations on June 13th and no later then June 14th.
Please call and cancel your ride if you are unable to attend.
Pick up will begin at 11:30am; Departure will begin at 2:30pm NO EXCEPTIONS.
For more information, call Charles Williams at 330-393-2507 ext. 231 or Eleanor Popovic at ext. 251.