Wednesday, Jun 21, 2017
TCAP Summer Crisis Program will begin July 3
The Trumbull Community Action Program, 1230 Palmyra Road SW in Warren, Ohio will be operating its Summer Crisis Program (SCP) from July 3, 2017 through August 31, 2017.
Eligible households may qualify for one or a combination of the following: an air conditioner and/or fans (if no air conditioner or fan was received from TCAP in 2014, 2015, or 2016); a one-time payment up to a total maximum benefit of $300 towards the electric bill from a regulated utility company or up to a total maximum benefit of $500 if the utility company is non-regulated.
Total household income must be at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and is based on gross income over the past three months or the past twelve months.
The income limit for a household of one is $5,276.25 (three months) and $21,150 (annual); the limit for two is $7,105 (three months) and $28,420 (annual); the limit for three is $8933.75 (three months) and $35,735 (annual); the limit for four is $10,762.50 (three months) and $43,050 (annual); the limit for five is $12,591.25 (three months) and $50,365 (annual); the limit for six is $14,420 (three months) and $57,680 (annual); the limit for seven is $16,248.75 (three months) and $64,995.50 (annual); the limit for eight is $18,077.50 (three months) and $72,310 (annual). For households with more than eight members, add $7,315 to the yearly income or $1828.75 to the 90-day income for each additional member.
Income eligible households must also meet one of the following criteria:
• A household member aged 60 and over
• A household member under the age of 60 with a medical condition that requires air conditioning as verified by a physician
• Households served by regulated or unregulated utilities with or without a disconnection notice on the electric bill may receive assistance. PIPP PLUS customers are not eligible for a monetary bill payment
For all appointments clients must provide:
- Social Security cards and/or birth certificates for all household members
- Copy of most recent gas or heating bill and electric bill
- Total household income for past 13 weeks or 3 months (gross earnings)
- Medical documentation from physician (TCAP can provide forms for completion)
- Landlord agreement for air conditioning (TCAP can provide form for completion)
Appointments are available at TCAP Tuesday through Friday. Call 1-866-747-1041 to schedule an appointment. Callers must wait to receive a confirmation number to secure an appointment.
On Mondays only at TCAP, walk-in applicants will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis for those that are 60 and over. A minimum of twenty-five applicants will be seen from 7-11 a.m.; a minimum of twenty-five additional applicants will be seen from 1 – 3:30 p.m. Three convenient weekly satellite sites are available to anyone who cannot apply at TCAP in Warren. You must contact the following to schedule an appointment:
Monday: Newton Falls United Methodist Church - (330) 393-2507 ext. 232
336 Ridge Road, Newton Falls, Ohio 44444
Tuesday: Niles Community Services - (330) 393-2507 ext. 227
401 Vienna Avenue, Suite 2, Tiffany Square, Niles, Ohio 44446
Wednesday: City of Hubbard Municipal Building – (330) 393-2507 ext. 229
220 W. Liberty Street Hubbard, Ohio 44425
For all other questions call TCAP at 330-393-2507 ext. 225.